I have extreme GI issues. I have recently written about my battle with the G-word (Gluten).
It was Peppermint that saved my belly more times than I care to think about.
How I use Peppermint:
When I am experiencing GI Issues (belly aches, gas, bloating etc, etc, etc) – 1-2 drops of peppermint added to a warm cup of water. The peppermint soothes a troubled belly.
When I am feeling tired and ready for an afternoon nap (thank you evil gluten) – Prepare my favorite loose-leaf organic tea from my local tea-shop, Peppermint/Licorice Tea (a large cup!), add 1 drop peppermint oil and 1 drop lemon oil. This tea and oil blend reenergize me to get me through that 3 pm hump.
My son, too experiences belly pain from gluten. Before I made the connection I would rub together in my palm 1 drop peppermint + a dab of coconut oil. I would rub this blend onto his lower belly before bed to ease his discomfort. I believe the power of mama’s touch plus the peppermint calmed him to sleep.
—> Important note: For some people (use a carrier oil always with children) Peppermint directly onto the skin may result in a burning sensation. The coconut oil acts as a carrier oil to protect the skin.
My sweet daughter is a hardcore, very dedicated gymnast! She works her tail off and often after practice complains of muscle pains. – 1 drop peppermint + a dab of coconut oil. I massage this blend where her muscle aches and pains are.
I have used peppermint to ease the pain of minor burns. Gently rub 1 drop directly onto the burn.
I often diffuse peppermint + lavender at the end of our day to calm and relax my family into bedtime. I also use the same combination in a bath.
Ask for a sample of Peppermint! I will happily send you one!

How to join my Young Living Essential Oil Team as a New Member:
My Member Number: 2510660
I recommend joining as a new member. I also recommend starting with the Premier Starter Kit.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me: brandipowell82@gmail.com