Lavender was the first oil I ever tried. A friend gave me a sample to help ease Addi’s anxiety before her first gymnastics meet. I rubbed small drops of lavender on the bottoms of her feet and into her forehead and temple region. She was able to breathe in it during her meet. It helped her remain calm. She has always suffered from anxiety. If she knows she will be in a new situation or a situation she is extra worried about she will ask for a drop of lavender for the palm of her hands. She knows when she rubs her hands together and breathes in the lavender she will feel calmer.
Lavender is a wonderful beginner oil. It has many topical uses. It is so calming and very easy to use. You will immediatley notice the benefits. It is safe to use directly on your skin.
When my kids are not feeling well, and therefore unable to rest, I will diffuse lavender in their rooms at bedtime. I will also use a few drops in a warm bath before bedtime.
I use it to treat minor scraps, cuts and burns. Addi, my gymnast, asks for lavender to releive the burning of bar tears and abrasions. Landon is four and his knees and elbows are frequently scrapped up! Lavender is our go-to owie oil.
I rub a drop of lavender onto my children’s pillowcases and the dog’s bed when we travel.
I add a few drops lavender drops on my wool dryer balls to give my laundry a great smell.
In the evenings I often diffuse lavender and peppermint to provide a calming atmosphere for the dinnertime craziness.
I use lavender in my room air & fabric spray.
Ask for a sample of Lavender! I will happily send you one!
How to join my Young Living Essential Oil Team as a New Member:
My Member Number: 2510660
I recommend joining as a new member. I also recommend starting with the Premier Starter Kit.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me: brandipowell82@gmail.com