It seems that the word wellness has been so overused that it no longer has meaning. Wellness companies have commandeered the word to sell products. Endless versions of a magic bean that will automatically lead to an obedient lifestyle of health and fulfillment are sold to us each day.

What is wellness? I define wellness as the act of establishing healthy habits. With focus on regaining balance over all our systems so we generally feel energized, happy and aligned with our truest self and with our goals and tasks. To me, wellness means more than physical wellness, it also includes our mental wellness and our spiritual wellness.
How do we get well? How do we achieve wellness? Why does wellness matter? Why am I even asking these questions!?
I am asking because I often check in with myself and ask what am I doing? Am I still on my path to living as my most fulfilled self or am I getting sucked in to simply becoming arbitrarily well. I want to live the truest path I can, eventually moving passed wellness and onto a greater state of existence. I want to be moving on to an authentic journey towards enlightenment, so often times as sit down with myself and check in.
Every wellness company and every wellness expert will have a different equation for wellness. You + my pill or my workout or my shake = a healthy lifestyle. Wellness goes beyond products and companies and fad equations to make you happy. Wellness should be a stop on the journey to understanding self. A stop to realign your daily habits.
It is our daily habits that need to be realigned because for generations we've been told lies and from these lies we've created a series of unhealthy habits that are shared and inherited. Through modern-day conveniences we humans have unlearned how to be well. Laced water supplies, overly and improperly medicated from birth, inadequate nutrition, depleted soils and growth hormone laden meat have led to a deficiency of vital vitamins and minerals. We've been sold a disaligment with our food in order to spend precious hours working away from the home. These deficiencies and the stress they create leads to disease. Over-processed food has left our immune systems weak and straining to keep up with the sugar, herbicides, preservatives, and hydrogenated oils. Heavy toxic ingredients are in everything we use from toothpaste to toilet bowl cleaner and using these laced products over and over again for a lifetime has wrecked our endocrine systems, our gut health and our brain function. We as humans have forgotten how to live cleanly. Quantity has most definitely replaced quality and our wellness is the tragic victim of convenience.
When I was suffering through my 20s with a tumultuous invisible illness the word wellness seemed like a foreign word to me. I didn't even dream of wellness. All I begged God for was a good night's sleep. Or a day when I didn't cry. I asked for my knees and back not to hurt so I could hike with my kids and not feel 80. How could I be so brazen and think I would ever attract or achieve wellness. I could barely move without pain. I could not possibly see the light at the end of this tunnel to see myself as whole and well. I certainly could not imagine a time when I moved beyond feeling like crap into wellness and beyond.
Someone very close to me always says, "You have to die of something." Well, I don't want to die of just something. Especially when so much can be controlled. At the very least I want to give my body, mind and soul the very best chance to not die a slow anguished death. I know we all die, that's not my point, but if I can achieve wellness, remove the toxic sludge and build up, allow my brain to function all throughout life then I won't just die of just something. I will have died fully connected to my self, fully aware and functioning as I was designed to function -- whole and vibrantly.
Through my journey I have found three main ways to achieve wellness with the end goal being to ultimately achieve greatness, to live with the fullest awareness of self. I have made it my goal not to achieve wellness, but to understand fully the answer to this question: "What does my self need to fully thrive and what decisions do I need to make daily to allow my body to thrive?"
Please keep in mind I am but an infant in my journey to greatness. These ideas are not of my own creation, these are ideas I have searched for, read, researched, experimented on myself and have found but only one piece to this intricate puzzle. I have a long, beautiful journey ahead of me learning, growing, evolving and discovering all the answers. Answers to questions I am not even aware of yet. Isn't it exciting?
For me the journey to wellness began in my guts!
First and foremost we must get control over our gut health. Our digestive health is the very first system to focus on. Chronic gut inflammation could be the massive cause to your discomforts. Focusing on diminishing and healing digestive inflammation alone will ease many symptoms. SO much happens in our gut. It is more than the place that food is processed. When this system is out of balance everything from joint health to healthy serotonin levels (the happy hormone) are affected. If our gut is chronically inflamed we cannot absorb nutrients from our food. Without nutrients our systems do not function normally. Heal the gut!
Begin by eliminating inflammatory foods, reduce sugar and limit alcohol. Eat fresh fruits and veggies. Use supplements that support the digestive system and focus on healing from the inside out. Look for an upcoming post on steps to follow, oils and supplements to take to support a healthy digestive system.
Second, we must decalcify the pineal gland and stop poisoning the very part of our brain that allows connection to the spiritual dimensions and innate wisdoms. Have you heard of the pineal gland? Most haven't. This tiny gland, about the size of a grain of rice, sits between the two hemispheres of our brain. Some call it the "third eye". Although much of this gland remains unknown, it is known to secrete and produce many hormones, including melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. This gland perceives light and regulates our circadian rhythm. Many say this tiny gland connects us to our spiritual being. When we can activate our pineal gland we have access to lucid dreaming, higher creativity, enhanced knowing and imagination, subconscious, intuitive, spiritual awareness and connectivity. When our pineal gland is calcified we lose and detach from immense cognitive ability.
The pineal gland sits outside the blood-brain barrier and is second to only the kidney in the large amount of blood flow it receives. The main way the pineal gland is calcified is by the years and years of fluoride exposure, as fluoride accumulates here more than in any other part of the body. Fluoride is added to our water supplies, pesticides, toothpaste and other oral care. Dentists push it on parents and in my day, schools administered it. Calcified pineal gland leads to impairments to the sleep-wake cycle, possible disruptions in normal puberty, a decrease in melatonin production and a disconnect from our natural, spiritual cognitive functions. But why? Why would fluoride be added and pushed? When a large population of humanity isn't sleeping well, is thrust into premature sexual maturity and disconnected from our most creative, authentic, intrinsic abilities are we not easier to manipulate?
Stop using fluoride oral care products. Say no thank you to fluoride treatments at the dentist and filter your water. I will elaborate on steps I've taken to decalcify your pineal gland to encourage balance between my cognitive ability and my soul's light.
Third, we need to eliminate and detoxify heavy metals from our body. I was a fully vaccinated child of the 80s. Although, I didn't get the number of jabs that today's children get, I had a overload of aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde and god knows what else from the time I was an infant. Heavy metals do not dissipate or go away. We must help to move and remove them from our system. Once we start to detox from heavy metals we then must not infiltrate our bodies again. This is tough. The American lifestyle, processed food & drink, government controlled water and the endless chemicals that rain down on us intentionally can make it tough to control what we are exposed to.
I have have found and use daily a product that detoxes the body of heavy metals. I also use a series of essential oils to help the body flush the heavy metals from it. I can say that I had incredible success ridding my body of Candida-- a problem I was plaqued by for many years just by detoxing from heavy metals. The Candida overgrowth was likely contributing to my fatigue, joint pain and brain fog. There is evidence that links toxic heavy metals in the body and the body's natural response of the gut flora in keeping the Candida growth in check, leading to systematic Candida overgrowth. Remove heavy metals and also remove Candida? Seemed too silly not to try. I am thrilled that it worked for me. I will elaborate on heavy metals in the body in a follow-up post.
Are you seeing a three-part series that will follow!! wink wink.
When we achieve wellness, physically we are balanced. We generally feel good. We are energized. We are stable. We eat well, move our bodies, feel our emotions and communicate in new ways. We can feel a "symptom", we know when something isn't quite right and do what needs to be done to cure it. We are that in-tuned with our bodies that again we can hear her whispers. We feel God again. We walk in the light of grace and forgive the person we used to be. We no longer carry the burden of shame, guilt or grief. We've learned to forgive, we recognize our emotional triggers and we see the shadow of the reactive, short person we once were. We think. We have removed the cloud of confusion and we now process information in a new way. The distractions are grotesquely obvious. The lies are left bare as a newly healing wound. The idols are in full glowing gold doing their best to blind us from the truth, but their spells no longer impress. Our days are full of small miracles which we can actually see now because we have started to expect them.
This is no small feat. Overcoming years of brainwashing, wellness marketing, body shaming, hurdles over bad food, chronic illness and stress, injectable poisons and deliberate mind programming is not easy to do. Most do not achieve this alignment because most don't even wake up to the fact that this is all happening. They've been taught to trust the government and all the 3 letter agencies. Most think our health and safety is their main concern and motivator. We've been taught to trust the pediatricians advice and to trust the tv news doctors without questions or doubt. We've become complacent in our own demise, we even ask for it and thank them for it later.
Once you admit you are your best health advocate you can achieve the wellness you so desire. With this wellness we can then begin to make our move from aware to awake and on towards your own personal greatness.