How do we encourage and love people who feel, think and react differently from us without putting them and ourselves into a box. A box that closes itself on us and shuts up tight. We are simply unwilling to go about our business, standing for what we believe in without hurting someone else in the process. Is our first reaction as Americans, as women, to be open-minded, accepting and patient BUT with only those who carry the same opinions as us? I am shocked at the reaction of our country. All those who came before us, all the history that entangles our people. I think those who fought for women’s rights (during the time that when we really did not have rights) and the thousands who died to end slavery and see to it with their lives that people of all color, nationality and religion could call America home (when people of all nationalities were truly prejudiced against) may be ashamed of us. Would Susan B. Anthony and Martin Luther King Jr be proud of us right now? If they saw us pouting with our hands crossed in front of our bodies in a solid stance of close-minded entitilism, I think they would be embarrassed and sad for all the work they accomplished. We can not be dead set on making our beliefs the beliefs of everyone else we come into contact with. We are engrossed in a web of hate. Both sides, all sides hate another group of persons because of what they believe in. All while believing untruths based on predetermined stereotypes. One cannot preach equality of all persons while shunning out opposition. It makes absolutely no sense to me. One claims to be standing up for injustice, cruelty, and unfairness while claiming a person already has too many rights and deserves to be called names. Is that not the exact thing you are standing up against? A person needs to be able to fight for what they feel is right without being cruel-hearted to all those who feel or act differently.
Nothing in our homes will change if we do not first model kindness. Nothing in our neighborhoods will change if we do not include the different. Nothing in our cities will change if we do not volunteer real time to help feed the hungry or clothe the parentless. Nothing in our states will change if we do not contact our representitives or attend bill hearings. And nothing in our country will change if we refuse to march TOGETHER towards the same goal –be kind to everyone, especially those who differ in opinion. If we take the time to sit down and really hear each other. If you are willing to befriend and listen to your opposition you may end up learning a lot about yourself in the process. We need to be available to spread love by simply refusing to be caught up in the web of hatred. Are you willing to do that? It may be the most difficult thing you will ever do, but it is really is that simple.