Addi and I, along with her preschool class, toured the elementary school and kindergarten classrooms. Whether or not Addi and I are ready, this is going to happen. In a few shorts months Addi’s little self will walk through those big double doors and her world will change forever.

Much of the tour she needed to hold my hand. During the story in the library, read to them by the principal, she sat on my lap, clinging to my hand. She was nervous. She is so little and everything in the school seemed so big.
As of today she says, “I am NOT going to kindergarden.” She says that about most new things. She will be fine and we will work through it. And I know that she will end up loving kindergarten just like she loves preschool. In July we will find out who her teacher will be. We also will know what friends will be in her class. And that will help her.
On the topic of kindergarden she has also said, “I just want to stay in preschool forever.” “Mrs. Gramm is my only teacher. I do not want to leave Mrs. Gramm.”” I just want to stay at home with you Mama, can’t you home-school me?!” “Kindergarden is too long. All day is too long to be away from you.” “I have to go all day, everyday?” “We don’t get to play as much in kindergarden, we just have to learn all day.”
Over the past couple weeks Addi has been evaluated by her teacher and she also had a formal evaluation put on by the elementary school for kindergarden readiness. She is definetley ready socially and intellectually. During our conference with her teacher we went through both evaluations. Mrs. Gramm told us that Addi is very sweet, kind, thoughtful, mature, very helpful and very compassionate. She is always thinking of her friends and teachers and their feelings. She can be bossy at times (yes! at home too), but with a little direction she redirects her bossiness. Her teacher said she does everything right. She is very bright, picks up things quickly, she loves to learn and she remembers everything. I know she will continue to thrive in kindergarden.
I am not ready to release my little baby girl to this big, at times, scary world. I don’t feel like I’ve had enough time to teach her everything she needs to know. This will not the be the only time I will post on our kindergarden anxiety! Two more days of preschool — Let time standstill.
To my love, You will be so great. Kindergarden will be so great. You are ready for this and throughout the next few months I will remind you of that. We’ve gone through new, scary things together before and every time you have ended up loving it. You don’t have to do it alone – your mama is by your side – now and forever. Give me the scary stuff and I will carry that load for you. GO! Go grow – Go learn – Go explore your awesome world — Go be you — Go have fun. I know you will thrive in school. You are so bright. You are such a good friend, so kind and so generous. Continue to show the world your big smile and your big, happy heart. You are so ready for this big, new world — but the real question is — is the world ready for you and your large and in-charge Addi-tude! It won’t be easy to let you go and admit that my baby girl is going to start school, but I will be strong too! Love you with my whole heart my sweet girl, Your Mama