It’s a delicate process, choosing the perfect wand. Is it long enough? Does it have the right bend in the precise spot? Does it fit my hand properly? Can its magic be recharged? Can it be painted? Oh, and do we have enough sparkle paint?!
Childhood is precious. A simple outing to the park turns into a magic making experience. All I did was bend over and pick up a stick. Turns out that particular stick was THE best stick-wand she had ever seen in her WHOLE life! We painted three stick-wands. One for Addi and one for each of her friends down the street. The last time pencil-wands were apart of their play, they spent the majority of the weekend attempting to transform me into an evil witch or invisible mushroom. Somehow my sweet self is always the bad guy!
Moments like these I always wonder if this is a memory she will remember always. Will wand making be something she does with her kids? Moments that mean the most to them are usually the simplest of things. Just bend over and pick up a stick, they’ll do the rest.
Childhood. So delicate. So brief. So precious and so, so magical.