Today Landon is 16 days old or 33 weeks gestation.
My Aunt Shelly called him Mr. Miracle. One of his nurses calls him Rock Star. He continues to impress all who are involved in his care. He is doing very well. We have reached a point where we have relaxed a bit. We can actually realistically look forward to the day we get to bring our baby boy home.
– On Monday (10 days old) he went off the oscillator and onto a more traditional vent. He was only on the ventilator for a couple days. On Thursday (13 days old) they took him completely off the ventilator. He now has a nasal cannula that delivers oxygen to him. He is doing well breathing without the machine. His poor little throat has been really sore due to having that tube in it for 2 weeks. He is able to cry now. His cry sounds hoarse because his throat is so sore. It is wonderful to hear him make noise! It was so terrible before when he had his tube in to watch him get upset and cry but no noise would come out.
– He is completely off all pain medication.
– He is receiving breast milk through a feeding tube (the tube goes into his belly through his mouth). Today they bumped up the feedings to 3 ml every 3 hours. He was receiving these feedings a few days ago but they had to stop them for a couple days because he was producing green bile which told the doctors his intestines were not quite ready for the milk. He seems to be handling it great now. Getting his system used to my milk is the first step in him learning to feed. I am looking forward to begin breast feeding him! This could happen in the next few days! The nurses are so great and allow Addi to actually feed him! She loves it and it makes her feel very special! He has pulled out his feeding tube, once that I know of! He is sucking on a binky regularly. He is a Powell and I think learning how to eat will be no problem for him!
– His umbilical IVs were removed and he now has a PIC line, an IV they can leave in for up to 3 months if they need to. This IV starts in his leg and the end of the catheter rests right above his heart. The only thing he receives through this IV is his nutrient and fat mixture. He continue to receive nutrients this way until he has mastered feeding. This is the only catheter he has! The other tubes and wires you see in pictures are just monitors, monitoring his heart rate and oxygen level.
– Today he weighed 4 lbs. 4 oz. He is now just a smidgen over 17 inches long.
– He graduated from living on a flat warmer to a isolete, or a more traditional incubator.
– Now that all of that fluid is gone is has a bunch of loose skin on his belly and under his chin!
– We’ve been having very boring days with very little updates. We love these days! No excitement in the NICU is wonderful.
– Dylan and I are able to hold him pretty much as often as we like. He is more portable without his breathing tube. He enjoys being held as much as we enjoy holding him. Last night he was wide, wide awake while Dylan was holding him. He was looking all around with big wide eyes! Of course this is the time we don’t bring a camera!
Dylan holding his son for the first time. 7/29/11 – 14 days old
Landon trying to look up at his daddy.
I told Dylan, that when Landon heard the nurses talk about “Kangaroo Care” (holding baby skin to skin, to promote bonding etc.) he didn’t think he would actually be held by a kangaroo! At least I think I am hilarious!!
The second time cuddling with Landon. 7/26/11 – 11 days old
Breathing Tube Free! 7/29/11 – 14 days old
7/29/11 – 2 weeks old
Addi saying goodnight to her “sweet baby brother.”
Proud big sister helping Landon with his binky. 7/29/11
It is nearly impossible to take my eyes off of him. 7/29/11 – 2 weeks old
All cozy in his new incubator.