It mine as well have been 1,000 years ago when we were living in the little taupe house in Salt Lake. Near my Aunt and Uncle, but far from Montana and the family and friends that lived there. It was a lifetime ago that Dylan would walk through the back door after a full day in a classroom and one year old Addi would run to him, wrapping her arms almost all-away around his knees. Daddy ate dinner with us and then shut himself into his study room, until bedtime. Addi knocked and pleaded for Daddy to come out to her. It was a big commitment on his part to keep his head down, his eyes on the prize –graduating as a PA. That is when I started blogging. To document her tiny life and all the big things going on around her. It became a therapy for me. More than a couple days rarely went by without publishing a little something. Some family and close friend followed my blog. Some people liked it. And some people criticized me for my see-through honesty. My blog has been public, private and invite only and back again. When I write I do so for them, my kids. Through my writing may they know me in a different way. May they remember the good ‘ol days and may they feel the love I have for them forever.
Lately, as in the past two or so years life has gotten away from me and blogging has gone to the way back burner. I mean life is mostly a blur. Everyday, every memory a little more foggy. I do still write, mostly in private journals. My time spent not documenting with words but instead capturing memories to Instagram. And although it isn’t the same I feel too overwhelmed to find a quiet sit down time to blog regularly.
I think I am not alone. I mean do other mom’s get to busy to do the things they enjoy? When I look back on the posts and the books I have had made full of my writing I am so glad I took the time and I am really hoping with both kids hitting full time school in a few weeks to bring it back!