Today, 21 fertilized eggs have begun their 21 day journey from egg to chick! Our two roosters, Sunny & Gandolph, take their fertilizing duty very seriously. Sunny is a large, beautiful, docile Rhode Island Red and Gandalf is a very large, docile, stunning Light Bramha. We have several breeds of hens -- Easter Egger, Americauna, Buff Orphington, Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock. Our hens and roosters live together in an open space and coop and therefor mate freely. We will have a nice mix of hearty, friendly, amazing egg producers.
Once hatched, the chicks will be available for sale to our local area. We do not sex our birds, but offer to accept back any unwanted roosters.
Look for an upcoming online clinic teaching you how to incubate your own eggs! I have found that incubating our own chicks results in healthier birds, less chick death and a hens that thrive m in our harsh winter climate .
Also, look for an upcoming clinic teaching you all about the basics of rearing chicks! From coop design, what to feed them, how to care for babies and more.