For nearly 3 full months Addi, Landon and I have been home together, learning! It has been so much more than I ever anticipated.
We have a loose daily schedule that sometimes we adhere to. Our mornings are typically organized and productive while our afternoons are for chores, fun-tivities, errands and free play. We follow a free online program that is AMAZING, . The things we have learned in a few short weeks is unbelievable. Our school week is Monday – Friday, but we are able to be so flexible when life happens. A new spark for History has developed and in her free time I will often find her reading about U.S History and past Presidents, particularly Abraham Lincoln.
She is eager, positive and attentive. I had big fears that she would not allow me to teach her. She has a strong personality and often she thinks she already knows it all. This has not been the case at all.
We rely on books, online resources, our library and each other to fuel our learning. She reads first thing in the morning near the fire and she loves doing spelling and vocabulary on her bed. Bitty and Headgie are usually with her. Her hair is rarely brushed and she eats breakfast at 10 am. We are never rushed or hurried. Our days are natural and calm.
When Daddy gets home and he asks, “What did you learn in school today?” She never says, “Nothing.” She is always eager to show him each night what she accomplished.
She loves when people ask her, “What grade are you in?” Her reply, “I’m homeschooled, so I’m not really in a grade!” She has often had people respond that they too were homeschooled. I love the pride and ownership she has.
She bakes and crafts. She teaches and reads to her brother daily. She helps tremendoulsy with the household. Much of our learning is based upon all those little life skills that come in handy as an adult — budgeting, meal planning, sorting laundry, coupons, interest etc…
Landon already requests to be homeschooled! Although having him sit still long enough to do sit-down motor and writing activities is nearly impossible. I have about a 3 second window before I totally lose his attention. It usually ends in his frustration and a pencil being thrown in my direction! What he learns, however, by just listening to Addi and I all day is incredible. He is planning a grand trip to see the White House in Washington D.C!
We’ve had a hard time meeting friends. We have attended a few “homeschool play dates”, joined a health club and she is in gymnastics twice a week, but filling that giant hole in her life where her beloved Choteau friends used to be has been very difficult. We have some group things planned this spring and I hope that she finds another group of good friends.