She was ready to trade in her Red Rider tricycle for a big kid bike and she worked very hard to earn it. Every child remembers their first big kid bike! The day Addison choose hers and brought it home it was a very momentous day in her little life!
Addi and the neighborhood kids ride their bikes together up and down the street. You can usually find where the bike gang is hanging out by the pile of bikes in one of our front yards! Daily we go on bike rides around town. She rides her bike to the ice cream parlor, to the swimming pool, to the park, to visit the horses and to the grocery store. She is getting more and more confident. She will ride over bumps and rocks now, where before she would get off and push her bike. She took her new bike to Glacier and proudly road it around the paved campground road. She gets really nervous leaving her bike out in front of a store and while swimming she will get out and check on it!
With Addison the first time she does anything we can expect a little fit, some mild screeching, frustration, usually she throws something! She is a bit of a perfectionist and if she cannot do something perfect the first time she doesn’t want to do it at all. Well, bike riding was no exception. Luckily Papa was there on her maiden voyage. Papa can be a lot more patient with her Addi-tude than her Mama sometimes! He worked with her and built up her confidence. By the end of her first ride she was riding up and down his street. On the way home she said, “Papa should really be a little kid bike riding teacher. He is really good at it.” God bless our Papa and his endless patience!