Huckleberry Hen Farm, LLC
Farm Critter Care Services
Farm Animal & Pet Sitting Services in Helena, MT
Products grown or made and sold fresh from our farm

I focus on embracing the traditional skills that connect us to our food, to our land and to ourselves. I have a deep desire to educate and empower people about real food & natural plant-based healing.
My family and I are a Montana proud family! We love our home-state and all it has to offer. We live on a 15 acre hobby farm located in West-Central Montana. As a family we love spending time off the farm skiing, hiking, camping and exploring!
I find great joy raising animals, growing and preserving our own food, homeschooling, re-learning forgotten traditional homesteading skills, foraging for wild plants and making wild medicine and making homemade gifts. Currently my main focus is raising milking goats. I currently raise grade Nigerian Dwarfs and first generation registered Mini Nubians. We sell the milk and goat's milk products.
New this spring we are offering farm & pet care services caring for your farm animals and pets and your home & garden while you are out of town or when emergencies arise. I am also a certified equine massage therapist and offer therapeutic massage for your horses. I have experience caring for animals of all kinds. Feathers, fur, scales and wool, paws, claws & hoofs - we care for them all!
I love to share our eggs, our stories, our advice and our photos of a life well-appreciated and well-lived. Thanks for stopping by. Reach out if you have any questions.